Although I am a software programmer by profession, technological gadgets and I are too far apart. My family and friends tease me that I am technologically backward. I could assemble a book shelf with all enthusiasm but if there happens to be an internet outage, I still wait for my husband to reconnect and reset everything back to work - I am in no hurry to check my emails or the web. I use the cell phone sparingly just to call when absolutely essential. I curse myself if someone calls me while I am driving (which is the only time I hear the cell phone ring). For work, I prefer 'logging in' to typing an email in the blackberry wherever possible. Even with the interest in music , downloading a song or burning a CD is too technical for me! My son tries his best to teach me Mario galaxy so that he has a company to play with. I tried my best but just cannot do it. Playing the wii or any video game for that matter is just not my cup of tea.
The MAC book pro that we got a couple of years back has got me closer to the computer as well as internet at home- may be because this is my first laptop (could also be because we now have more videos/movies online). I love it. Looks and feels solid. The quality of their screens are just unbeatable - so vivid. Its magically different from any other computer in the market - hats off to Apple's technology. The other important difference is that I do not have to fear that I will crash the system if I browsed. Initially and still some of their apps seem convoluted and the menu options not that intuitive. But then I realize it is only because we are so used to the 'Microsoft' methods that we have grown up with in the computer world.
Creating a simple movie using imovie is so easy and still has so much control - the best part is I could record in and import my songs directly from garage band. For now I can create a movie from start to finish in one go with one song, to be honest only in one go because I still have not figured out 'save as' or deleting portions of audio right in imovie! And today, for the first time downloaded an itune because I needed a background that sounded like 'celebrating Steve's Life' as Apple calls it.
Here is an imovie tribute to the greatest visionary and innovator of our time, the creative genius behind the technology which has made not just this video possible but has brought the present generation to greater and greater heights of technology limited only by imagination. To the innovator who has worked constantly all his life to make his own products better and better.
Click here to play my video A tribute to Steve Jobs
p.s. Thanks to the web up loaders for all the wonderful fall photos and a friend who forwarded the 'Steve Jobs' quotes.
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